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Narrow Gate: Two Locations, One Purpose

Each Thursday, at Forest Hill United Methodist Church-Concord Kerr Street Campus in Concord, and at Midway United Methodist church in Kannapolis, we gather together for a meal, to have a time pf praise through music, and to hear God's word proclaimed.


Everyone is welcome to share the meal, to praise in a relaxed and judgement free atmosphere, and to hear more about Jesus and his love for all of his children from pastors from Cabarrus and Mecklenburg Counties.


First time guests are welcome anytime. Children are welcome as well, and share a meal and activities together in a separate safe space.


The meal begins at 6:30 pm, and the music and message portion of the program starts at 7:00pm. We partner with many area churches to serve our guests each week


Van transportation is provided to our guests. To arrange pickup, contact Opportunity House using the number at the bottom of this page for additional information.

The Meal

Each Thursday evening, we begin our meal with a quick devotional and greeting, followed by a blessing.


Our guests are served a freshly prepared meal, served by volunteers table side. We partner with other churches in the area to provide this portion of the evening.


Prior to the meal, there is time for fellowship, sharing prayer concerns and requests, a time to visit with volunteers, and much more.

Praise Music

We are blessed to have praise teams at both the Kannapolis and Concord campuses who lift up music as an integral part of the evening.


Scripture readings are shared and praise is lifted up in song. Each team plays a variety of musical styles.


We are always looking for people who are willing to share their gifts in this way.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us to learn more about our current needs at each campus.

The Message

The message gives all in attendance an opportunity to learn more about Jesus' love through the reading and hearing from HIS word as an important focus for the evening.


Pastors and speakers representing many denominations from Cabarrus and Mecklenberg counties share the word on a rotating basis.


The message and a final worship song conclude the evening.

Want to help?

We are always looking for additional volunteers to assist this ministry in serving and preparing meals, providing transportation, greeting our guests, helping with set up & clean up, and serving with musical gifts.


We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you further about how you can join us in serving the community at Narrow Gate!

Dec 2024 - Edited by Opportunity House Staff.

Call us:


Find us: 

72 Corban Ave., SW Concord, NC 28025

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